Saturday, December 23, 2006

More than I've ever run...

Check out my run here. With the assumption that I will increase mileage every weekend, I guess I could really wear out the title, but I'll only use it this once. Tonight's run was so much different than last weeks. I only walked about two blocks out of the whole run...which was 15.07 miles. I burned more calories in one run than some people burn all day [that would be 2300]. There is a good and bad side to it all though... Tonight's run was the kind that makes you really love Birmingham as a city. Street lights, sidewalks, variety in architecture, planes, trains, and trolleys paint such a wonderful city scape. Conversely, I've got no love for Homewood* because Homewood's* got no love for runners [ergo, they have no love for me]. I ran up Green Springs Hwy and across Valley Ave again. The difference between running the route at night as opposed to the day is that drivers seem to find this special anonymity that causes them to actually want to veer a smidgen closer to you as a runner. One may ask, "Why are you running on the road at night anyways." To which I would respond, "Because Homewood, in these particular areas, hasn't built any sidewalks." Of course, I'm only assuming that this area is part of Homewood [though, even if I am wrong, some friends have similar complaints about running in other parts of Homewood]. Half of my time running on Valley and Green Springs was spent running on uneven terrain in the dark [as there are no lights there either]. I digress. Overall, I enjoyed the run. I'm excited about running more. I'm happy that I didn't crash like I did last week. Now, I can say that I've officially run more than a half marathon - and that's pretty cool in my book. *Homewood is, in and of itself, an actual city. I suppose it was once a "suburb" of Birmingham. They have [in the past few years] built a rather large and rather costly city hall. The cool part about this is that it's mixed use - pubilc, private [in the form of condos] and business spaces are all available. The uncool part about this is that they pretty much destroyed all the apartments where some poorer people were living to do this [the irony of "progress" if you will].

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