Takin' it easy...
I went 4 on Thursday night at about 8:52/mile. I had placed moleskin on the bottom of my foot- where the blister is - and later discovered that the moleskin is not supposed to go on my blister. Needless to say, I had some kind of time taking the ultra-adhesived product off the bottom of my blister.
The blood blister simply hasn't gotten better [but, it seems, hasn't really gotten worse either]. What has happened is that another blister has formed behind my blood blister on my foot. I am really starting to doubt that I have the proper sized shoes as I've probably run 50 -75 miles in them with no reprieve. However, my left foot is the picture of health. At Laura's request, I have set up an appointment with the GP I've visited a few times near my workplace. They were super to schedule me in @ 8:10 on Monday - I say this because the less I run now, the less I'll be prepared for the Mercedes. Unfortunately, training is not the best place to try to "catch up," as many a person may hurt themselves doing so.
If you have any advice, I'm open to it - though I'm still going to my GP on Monday [also, because one of my coworkers told me that he's a marathoner].
All that to say, I've gone from training at about 20 miles a week to 4 this week. Not a good thing.
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