Neat sites...
I haven't run tonight [I almost did, but figured it would be best to rest a little]. I thought I'd pass some stellar sites your way.
Occasionally, you may see "Check out my run here," at the top of a run blog. The word "here" is actually a hyperlink to a map of where I ran that evening. I used to believe that mapmyrun overestimated my mileage, but Josh's wife, Amanda, said that she thinks it's actually low-balling it. Either way, it's a heck of a lot better than buying a gps device or cell phone subscription service.
Dean Karnazes is an ultramarathoner [the guy has run distances of over 100 miles without stopping]. He's recently completed a jaunt across the US - 50 marthons in 50 states in 50 days. As part of his celebration he decided to run back home...from New York City to San Francisco, CA. You can check out his daily stats here. He's also written a book entitled Ultramarathon Man that you can purchase at
. He's been a lot more humble than I thought he would be at first glance, and I've enjoyed following him via the internet. Dean's website is You'll need flash 8 to view it.
I've also been spending a good bit of time at They're putting out magazines slower than I consume them, but there are a lot of great tools and articles there to satiate the athletic beast within you. You can purchase a subscription here
, but I've found them to be amazingly inexpensive on [I bought my subscription there for less than $5.00].
Hope some of this helps and entertains! I'll have updated running schedules up soon.
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