Happy happy run run...
I'm listening to the CD Forest by George Winston
You can check out my run here.
It was more hilly than I expected. It really seemed like I was running up hill [I know, impossible] the whole time I was running. During the run I thought about how funny it seemed that places are not often how we imagine or remember them to be. For example, I would have sworn that Valley Ave. was flat by memory - but it was gradual inclines and small drop-offs throughout.
I remembered to smile through my run and I thought about how much more friendly the drivers are to you when you're running than when you're walking. As cars would approach and swerve I throw out the courtesy fingers [yes, fingers - 2] and nod - they would usually do the same. Running up Greensprings Highway, a trucker gave me two courtesy honks as I smiled at him and waved for his courtesy of not plowing over me. I saw some folks in Army T-shirts partaking in a car wash - they had yellers standing in the median. The first [older] woman that I passed looked at me, smiled, and yelled "Even if you don't need a car wash, we take donations too!" I passed two younger guys in army shirts in the median at an intersection. The shorter of the two enacted his freedom to yell "Run good man!"
There were definitely folks who weren't as nice as these, but their stares and fast driving didn't matter as much as the encouragement and friendliness of these others.
Altogether, it was a good run. The portion of Greensprings and Valley on today's loop are part of the Mercedes Marathon. I felt that I took to the hills pretty well and I think that they'll just strengthen and harden me for the upcoming Vulcan 10k. I'm excited!
Today's Run: 7.56 miles
Time: 1hr 9min 53sec / 9:15 per mile
Prescribed Distance for 10k Training: 7 miles
Prescribed Time: 1hr 8min 42sec / 9:50 per mile
congrats on the speed... its probably because you hold your hands straight so as to slice the air.
ah...you must have seen me running...
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