Short run...
Not much notable about tonight's run.
For some reason, I've been very sleepy during the evening hours [I'm talking about the period in between dinner and morning]. I actually slept from 6:00pm to 9:40pm tonight...then I woke frustrated because I didn't run. That said, I decided to go by my runner's world schedule and run 2 miles tonight [since my friend hasn't sent me a tweaked schedule as of tonight].
9:03 was my pace, which seems about a normal training pace for me on shorter runs. says that it feels like 31F but that it's actually 37F. It's cold, but I've run in colder conditions [on an earlier run...last month was literally 8F outside]
I've started incorporating e-Gels into my long runs. So far they've been good too me - no weird stomach problems or anything like that. I started using them because it's what they use on the Mercedes course. I'm putting a link up on this page - if you run for longer periods than an hour, I would suggest looking into e-Gel or something like it. Also, to be forthright, if you use the link to sign up on e-Gel's website and subsequently purchase something, e-Gel gives me 10% of your purchase price [they'll do the same for you]. I first purchased e-Gel @ a local running store, but it's about 50 cents cheaper per pack direct from, which is where I'll probably be buying it from now on. Feel free to comment if you have any questions or concerns on this.